Noorderlicht Photography Festival
Noorderlichth Photogallery (Akerkhof 12, Groningen)
22 October – 26 November.
Are we alone or are we being watched? Is there a god, do we live in a matrix or are we simply the outcome of an alien experiment? Especially since the Roswell incident in 1947, when the American army is alleged to have secured a crashed UFO containing alien life, the idea of flying saucers and aliens fires our imagination. Fresh From Poland called on artists via social media to submit their visual image of UFOs, as one of the shared projects within its larger UFO Visual Lab project. On the basis of the submissions, #SHOWMEYOURUFO researches how the image of alien life and UFOs has formed in our consciousness over the past 75 years, and how the myth of the UFO has evolved.
Curator: Grażyna Siedlecka
Artists: Tomasz Chowaniec, Dominik Darocha, Paweł Franik, Tomasz Gotfryd, Aleksandra Iwańczak, Edyta Jablońska, Ola Janczak, Jadwiga Janowska, Dorotka Kaczmarek, Kamil #2, Gabriela Kaszycka, Anna Kieblesz, Patryk Klimkowicz, Mikołaj Konkiewicz, Bart Krezolek, Karol Liver, Pawel Maruszak, Przemyslaw Matląg, Olivia Milani, Mateusz von Motz, Izabela Olesińska, Anna Osetek, Aleksandra Pawłowska, Sylwia Penc, Natalia Poniatowska, Kaja Rata, Małgorzata Sajur, Wojtek Skrzypczyński, Aleksandra Szajnecka, Kamil Śleszynski, Patrycja Wanot, Piotr Wilhelmi, Karolina Wojtas, Katarzyna Zolich.

© Edyta Jablońska

© Aleksandra Szajnecka

© Anna Osetek

© Tomasz Gotfryd

© Paweł Franik

© Patryk Klimkowicz

© Małgorzata Sajur

© Kaja Rata