Are we alone? Are we being watched? Who created us and what is the purpose of our lives? Is there a God, or do we live in the Matrix? Or maybe we are just an outcome of the Aliens’ experiment?
#SHOWMEYOURUFO is a new exciting project exploring the UFO phenomena – topic that has always been mysterious and appealing to people around the world. Creators of the concept want to join forces with artists from all over the world to create an archive of contemporary visual representations connected to UFO and Alien conspiracy theories.
The projects will be presented online and offline (the group show takes place in May in Krakow ). To apply you need to publish your works on Tumblr, Instagram or YouTube and add the #SHOWMEYOURUFO hashtag, or submit it to the showmeyourufo@gmail.com email address. There are no age, picture per person or nationality restrictions. Artworks in low resolution (72 dpi) should be accompanied by the participants’ name, surname, website and contact details. Works must be created by the submitting artist.
You can give us anything related to the UFO topic or it’s visual language: it can be saucers in the sky, weird plants, objects or architecture, Google Earth print screens, or even documentation of sightings or portraits of abductees / witnesses. Regarding the media – we accept photographs, stories, collages, graphics, drawings, clippings, short videos or sounds… Sky is the limit!
Pieces selected by our curators will be included in our upcoming show and also published on our website: showmeyourufo.tumblr.com. Some of them will be featured in the accompanying zine published on this occasion.
#SHOWMEYOURUFO is organized by Fresh From Poland in cooperation with Paper Beats Rock and PhotoBzik, curated by Grażyna Siedlecka and Dawid Planeta.
Guest curators: Iza Zdziebko, Karol Liver
Media partners: Prism Photo Magazine, Doc! Photo Magazine